Peter Hammill Peter Hammill - Narcissus (Bar & Grill)

It's a private club, so exclusive that the membership is one,
you can walk right in, can be sure your face is always welcome here.
Drink up your fill: this is the Narcissus bar & grill
so you can do what you will to reveal who you are.
You can settle down, select your entertainment -
on reflection you'll be there in every surface;
you can take your time, there's no need to have a reservation here.
Drink up your fill in the Narcissus bar & grill.
Sweet daffodil, what a fascination you are.
Ooh, what a thrill: you can be your own lucky star.

Falling in love with your reflection,
I guess you've found your blind spot.
(Don't fall in love with your reflection,
no heart could handle the rejection:
you're going to dive deep into the well.)
You had a name once but it seems that now you've lost it,
you had a name but you've forgotten it now.

Classic lessons to be learned, just a word of caution,
self-absorption doesn't guarantee respect:
what you'll get you'll earn...eye on the main chance,
this is not what you desire or expect,
drowning in the watering-hole....
and don't imagine that you're one of the elect
Pay up your bill: in the Narcissus bar & grill
there's time left to kill, better start to see who you are.
Think good or ill of the Narcissus bar & grill
it's all grist to the mill, it's all kissing that scars.
Go on and drink up your fill,
do what you will, it won't reveal what you are.
Drink up your fill, it's time to pay up your bill.

Falling in love with your reflection,
I guess you've found your blind spot:
you're going to dive deep into the well.
(Don't fall in love with your reflection,
no heart could handle the rejection:
of getting lost in introspection....)
You had a name once but it seems that you forgot it;
you had a name but it seems that now you've lost it;
you had a name but, baby, you've not got it now.